bad boy Cover Art new release Sam Crescent Standalone

No One Else Can Have Her

Looking for a super possessive, over the top, alpha hero? Nate is all of those things and more.

He is willing to do anything to claim his woman.

Nate Smith has a secret.

He is completely and totally in love with Carly Andrews, and has been since they were kids. The only problem is she doesn’t know, and he doesn’t believe she is ready to know. He doesn’t want to spoil their friendship. But … he also can’t stand the thought of her with other men. So, he threatens or hurts anyone who would dare to go on a date with her.

After years of disastrous dates, Carly knows she must be the problem. She is unlovable, and all she has ever wanted is to have a family. So, she intends to find a way to get pregnant. She no longer needs a man, just a sperm.

The moment Nate hears of her plan, he is not having her use just any sperm. She will have his, but if she wants to have a baby, they are going to do this the good old-fashioned way.

What started out as a crazy idea, soon becomes the best one yet. Carly has been in love with Nate all of her life. She has tried to hide her feelings, but now she has given him her virginity, and they are like dynamite together.

Only, she should have known nothing comes without a price…

Picking up the empty potato salad dish, she offered a smile to the group and disappeared into the kitchen, which was where she found Nate looking out the window.

“There you are,” Carly said. She put the empty dish into the sink, and was tempted to leave it, but she hated mess. Turning on the tap, she began to clean it.

“I wondered where you had gone to.” With the dish clean, she left it on the draining board until later.

She didn’t want to be rude. Stepping up to the fridge, she grabbed the next bowl of potato salad. Everyone was always so hungry, even if it was the seven of them—eight if she counted Misha as eating for two people. She had hoped for more people to arrive, but she also didn’t mind that it was only the seven of them. She kept reminding herself of the little baby bump.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

Nate turned toward her and she saw the frown of his brows. She’d seen Nate glare or frown many times, but this was different. Something told her he seemed troubled today, unlike the other days.

“What is it?” she asked. “What’s wrong? I promise I will clean everything up. Was the steak not good? The chicken?”

“You want to have a child,” Nate said.

“What?” She hadn’t expected him to mention children.

“A child. You want to have a baby.”

She offered him a confused smile. “This is not news, Nate. You know I have always wanted to have children.” She put a hand to her stomach. Unlike Sarah, she hadn’t opted for a bikini, but a one-piece suit. She also went for some shorts for her own personal comfort, so she wasn’t showing off too much leg.

“You’re planning on going to a sperm donor,” Nate said.

“You’ve been talking to Sarah.” She sighed. She should have known Sarah wouldn’t keep her random declaration of wanting a child and how to get one, to herself.

“Yes, I’ve been talking to Sarah. Is it true?”

She took a deep breath. “I only thought about it last night,” Carly said. “Yes, it is a real possibility.”

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ISBN: 9780369510020

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By Author Sam Crescent

Sam Crescent is a USA Today Bestselling author who is passionate about romance. She resides in the UK, and loves creating new exciting characters that take her on a journey she never expected.

When she's not panicking about a story or arguing with a character, she can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of havoc.

2 replies on “No One Else Can Have Her”

I love reading your books can’t wait to read the new ones I sm behind on my reading gonna catch up this month

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