
Catch up – Newsletter

Catch up

Hi Everyone!!!

We’re one month closer to Halloween and Christmas!!! Why do I feel like I just got a few moans lol. 😉 I don’t know what it is about this year, but I have been looking forward to Autumn/ Fall along with Halloween and Christmas for some time now. I’ve even got out my Halloween cookbooks to start some meal planning. 🙂

Anyway, have you enjoyed the books released this month? Which one was your favorite? All pretty covers are down below. 🙂

I want to say a big thank you to all of you for your lovely comments, emails, and messages. I’m so pleased you’re loving my books, and I really do enjoy hearing about the books you are also looking forward to.

So, what is coming soon … I have been working on quite a few standalones of late as I took a short break from writing series. However, as you all know, the muse is in charge, and she felt it had been too long since we had a Disaster of the Otherworld story (ten years), so I can say Layla’s Choice is coming soon as Evernight Publishing has accepted. 🙂

What older series would you like to see continuing on the coming soon page? I and the muse would really like to know.

Thank you all so much for taking the time. It really does mean a lot.

Until next month,

Take care.


Released in July

Click each book for blurb and buy links

Giveaway Now Closed

Congratulations Angelle Who won the last giveaway

This Months Giveaway


So last year I ordered some T shirts for giveaways, however they all came in at one size instead of the array of sizes that I wanted.

So after much debate, I still have the shirts. All are 5XL in size.

Who wants one?

Leave a comment below to enter for a Sam Crescent T shirt

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**Flash Sales**

There is currently a few book on sale for a limited time only.

Coming in August

No Books have gone to paperback this month,

Are there any books you would like to see in paperback that are not already?

Don’t forget to check out my Coming soon page

follow me

36 replies on “Catch up – Newsletter”

Please I would love a shirt! Also the last books from the Sinclairs and the Dentons!

Please I would love a shirt! Also I would love even more for you to finish off The Sinclair Men series and The Denton Family Legacy series!

I would love a shirt! Please! Also I would love even more for you to finish off The Sinclair Men series and The Denton Family Legacy series!

I would love a shirt! 5xl is just the way I like ’em!!

Are we going to get some Chaos Bleeds or Skulls second generation?? I can’t say enough how much I love the MC!! 🥰🥰

I love all your books and wait each month to see what is coming out. If I win I am a 3x.

Would love a chance to own a Sam Crescent anything! Thanks for the awesome chance and your incredible stories 🌹💚

I also would love a chance. I think it would be the perfect sleeping shirt. Especially since we’re having an interesting summer here in Massachusetts. Thank you!

If you have any left, I would love a shirt. I’ve been looking for a sleeping shirt and just haven’t found the right one. I think one of your shirts would be a great way to fall asleep. I saw your email about your latest book in the Volkov Bratva. So I’ve bought the first book so that I can read the series in order. Thank you!

Who wouldn’t love this t-shirt 🥰 loved The mistake still have to read To keep great covers 💕

That shirt looks super comfy, I’d love a shirt! The decal would show everyone what a huge fan I am, I’d rock the s#*t out of it 🙂

Would love a shirt!! Love that they’re in a size I can wear. Thanks for the chance.

I don’t usually read mafia/bratva books but OMG I love the Volkov series so much! Please enter me into the latest drawing. Tysvm! ~Jody Kalinowski 

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android


Not as old of a series, but I would like to see the Mafia Brides series continue. I loved Laex & Roman’s story and would appreciate reading about other characters in their world.

I look forward to your next book!

Awesome give away. I have that body, so don’t need the t-shirt. Would love to see some of my fellow Sam fans win it 😀 Good luck everyone

Hi Sam,
I love all of your books. These new books have been incredible. I was hoping for a 4th book in the Volkov Bratva series. I will take whatever you give us and I would love a Tshirt.

I guess I dont have to worry about the shirt fitting or not. 😆 thank you in advance for the chance. I am pro anything Sam Crescent 💜

I would love a 5xl tshirt. Thanks for the chance. I love all your books.

I totally have a love ❤️ affair with your books! I’m loving the Bravata series can’t wait for more. xx

Finally TShirts for bigger people! I always get the small size in give always, or should I say my granddaughter gets them lol.

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